Personal stimulus

  • The modern world has brought us many things, including bad
  • habits like slouching. As a group of engineers and designers we
  • spend most of our waking hours with our head down in our
  • smart phone or laptops without being aware of our posture. It
  • lead to back pain and after consulting to doctors we’ve
  • gathered and came up with the idea of “Fine Posture”.
  • This device helps you to improve your posture and after a while
  • it would strengthen your muscles and you overcome this bad habit forever.

Fine Posture is an undeniable need

. Healthcare costs for people with back pain are on average 60 percent higher than for those without back pain. Although the medical costs of back pain are significant, costs to lost productivity are even greater. The way we stand, sit, and walk plays a very significant role in our overall well-being. This especially improves when it comes to our mood and happiness. Just as how our behavior, mood, and actions affect how others see us, our body language also sends messages.

Our Team

Ola Nordmann
Customer Support

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Ola Nordmann
Customer Support

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Ola Nordmann
Customer Support

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Ola Nordmann
Customer Support

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Ola Nordmann
Customer Support

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